Bruno G. Rüttimann - Modeling Economic
- Rüttimann B., Globalisierung verstehen heisst Märkte beherrschen, iO new Management 5/2010, Springer Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Zimmermann H., Competing in Aluminium Extrusions – A Normative Analysis Exploring Alternative Business Models, ALUMINIUM 4/2010, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Fischer U., The Curse of Globalisation – Must We Expect Crisis in the Aluminium Industry that Are More Abrupt in the Future?, ALUMINIUM 9/2009, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Measuring Economic Globalization – Entropy Based Inequality Risk Metric, paper presented at the 4th Intl. Globalisation Conference at the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 16-17, 2009
- Rüttimann B., Modelling Economic Globalization – The Five Basic Globalization Types, paper presented at the GSA Global Studies Association Conference, Royal Holloway University London, September 2-4, 2009
- Rüttimann B., Which Form of Globalisation for the Aluminium Industry?, Aluminium International Today, Nov./Dec. 2008, DMG World Media, Redhill Surrey England, report summarizing the closing keynote speech at the Aluminium 2008 World Trade Fair & Conference, Essen Germany
- Rüttimann B., The Globalization Trap of the Aluminum Extrusion Industry, Proceedings of the ET08, the 9th International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar, Orlando/Florida, May 13-16, 2008
- Rüttimann B., Which Globalization for the Aluminium Industry – A Normative Analysis Exploring Alternative Business Models – Part 1, ALUMINIUM 1/2 2008, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Which Globalization for the Aluminium Industry – A Normative Analysis Exploring Alternative Business Models – Part 2, ALUMINIUM 3 2008, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Modeling Economic Globalization – A Post-Neoclassic View on Foreign Trade and Competition, Verlagshaus Monsenstein und Vannerdat, Edition MV-Wissenschaft, Münster 2007, ISBN 978-3-86582-447-9
- Rüttimann B., Lean Six Sigma – A Strategic Approach in Global Competition, ALUMINIUM 81 (2005) 7/8, Giesel Verlag
- Hagen H., Rüttimann B., The Automotive Market – the New Challenge for the Aluminium Industry – Part 1, ALUMINIUM 80 (2004) 3, Giesel Verlag
- Hagen H., Rüttimann B., The Automotive Market – the New Challenge for the Aluminium Industry – Part 2, ALUMINIUM 80 (2004) 4, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., The Effects of Globalization on the Aluminum Extrusion Industry, Proceedings of ET04, the 8th International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar, Orlando/Florida, May 18-21, 2004 - award winning paper
- Rüttimann B., Globalisation and the Effects of the Opening of the East on the Western European Aluminium Semis Industry, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress ALUMINIUM TWO THOUSAND, Rome, May 18-22, 2003, Interall Publication also published by ALUMINIUM EXTRUSION, December 2003, Edimet
- Rüttimann B., Strategy and Tactics in the Aluminium Semis Industry – Part 1, ALUMINIUM 78 (2002) 1/2, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Strategy and Tactics in the Aluminium Semis Industry – Part 2, ALUMINIUM 78 (2002) 4, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., The Central Importance of Quality in the Semis Industry, ALUMINIUM 77 (2001) 7/8, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., The Dynamics of the “Pipeline Filling” Effect in the Aluminium Semi-Finished Products Industry, ALUMINIUM 77 (2001) 5, Giesel Verlag
- Gyöngyös I., Rüttimann B., Effects of Globalisation and the Opening of the East on the Western European Semis Industry – Part 1, ALUMINIUM 76 (2000) 10, Giesel Verlag
- Gyöngyös I., Rüttimann B., Effects of Globalisation and the Opening of the East on the Western European Semis Industry – Part 2, ALUMINIUM 76 (2000) 11, Giesel Verlag
- Rüttimann B., Result-Optimized Considerations of Alternative Strategies in the Aluminium Semis Industry, ALUMINIUM 76 (2000) 7/8, Giesel Verlag
- Gyöngyös I., Rüttimann B., The Future of the Aluminium Industry, ALUMINIUM 76 (2000) 4, Giesel Verlag
- also published by KOHASZAT 134.evfolyam, 3.szam, 2001 marcius
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© Bruno G. Rüttimann, 2011